An empty bookmark is gone after updating to iOS 11.4!


Thank you for reading all the time.

It is a flash report.

In iOS 11.3 there was a problem that an empty bookmark was created. I have posted on this subject at the following link, but it was thought that everyone was in trouble because it was a very response article.

[iOS 11.3] Empty Bookmark is created
Thank you for coming and reading this site!My iPhone X creates empty bookmark after updating iOS 11....

In this article I also mentioned how to erase empty bookmarks, but it is very troublesome.

So, if you are having trouble with empty bookmarks, let’s update to iOS 11.4 first

I just confirmed that the empty bookmarks are gone, so perhaps the same event may occur again in the future. At that time I would like to write another article again.

This is just a short note to inform you.
